We’re listening. Street Law is committed to ensuring that any person or organisation using our services has the right to lodge a complaint.
Street Law Centre is committed to ensuring that any person or organisation using Street Law Centre’s services, or affected by its operations, has the right to lodge a complaint or to appeal a decision of the organisation, and to have their concerns addressed in ways that ensure access, equity, fairness, accountability and transparency.
You have the right to an advocate, support person, or interpreter when you make a complaint about Street Law Centre.
Complaints Procedure
Make a verbal or written complaint to:
- the staff member you are dealing with at the time,
- their supervisor,
- the Principal Solicitor,
- the Management Committee
Complaints are usually dealt with by the Principal Solicitor. If the complaint is about the Principal solicitor, the complaint will be dealt with by a member of the Management Committee.
Verbal complaints can be made in person or by calling (08) 9221 7661 or (free call) 1800752 992. Written complaints can be posted to PO Box 6236, East Perth WA 6892 or via the form below.
Complaints Form
A confidential record of your complaint and the action taken by Street Law Centre will be kept. Each quarter, the Principal Solicitor will report complaint statistics to the Management Committee for review. This will help to inform future decisions about Street Law Centre’s services.
After receiving your complaint, Street Law Centre will contact you to tell what is being done to investigate and resolve your complaint and how long we expect this to take.
We aim to resolve all complaints within 4 weeks. If this is not possible we will write to you to explain why.
After investigating your complaint, Street Law Centre will write you a letter explaining the decision, the reasons for the decision, and the action taken.
If you are not happy with Street Law Centre’s resolution, you can make a written request for a review by the Management Committee.
If, after a review you are still not happy with the proposed resolution you have the right to direct your complaint to an external body. Street Law Centre will provide relevant contact details to you upon request.
If you need more information, or you need help to understand the process for making a complaint about Street Law Centre, please contact us on 1800 752 992 or 9221 7661, use the form below, write to us at PO Box 6236, East Perth WA 6892, or speak to Street Law Centre’s staff at our legal clinics.