Induction Module Three

Welcome to the Induction Module Three Quiz. Please note that you will need a 100% score on the quiz in order to complete the module and commence work at Street Law.

Between 9am to 10:30 you need to check in with your supervisor to discuss your current casework as outlined in the review calendar

When you are BCC’d into an outgoing email by your supervisor, it is your responsibility to save the email to the correct file.

You can provide legal advice on the phone without a supervising solicitor signing off on your advice

Do file notes need to be initialled by the supervising solicitor?

What do you do if you have a question regarding an allocated task for the day?

You come into the office and see that you have a new matter to work on for the day. It is a new client with a court hearing in 2 weeks. You need to contact the police to gather documents from the incident. However, the client has not yet given Street Law their signed Authority to Act. Can you contact the police for documents concerning the case without the client’s Authority to Act?

For your matter you have worked out you need to contact the police for further information. However, it has not been marked on the review note’s ‘next steps’ and nobody has asked you to ring the police. Can you contact the police without asking the supervising solicitor?

What must you do at the end of every Street Law day for all your matters?

Where should the two behavioural signs be placed at legal clinics?

If you feel safe, you do not need a personal alarm on you at the Legal Clinics.

At legal clinics your role is to (click all that apply)

If you are assisting at a legal clinic on the phone or in person and a client is discussing distressing or upsetting material, which is affecting you and you feel you don’t want to listen to any more of what the client is saying, you would advise the solicitor you are with by using which code word –

If you are assisting at a legal clinic in person and a client is being aggressive, intimidating or threatening, a solicitor would advise you of this situation by using which code word:

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