Dignified, professional and non-judgmental legal advice
Street Law Legal clinics
Street Law Centre provides a free outreach legal service for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
Arrive early on the day of the legal clinic, before the start time and put your name on the Street Law Legal clinic list. Be patient whilst you wait as some days the legal clinics can be very busy.
This will take place in an office with two Street Law lawyers. If you would like a support person to accompany you, you can ask a friend or a staff member.
Your details
In order to provide you with legal advice we must obtain your personal information, such as your full name, date of birth and contact details.
Bring as many relevant documents to the legal clinic as you can. Examples of documents might include court documents, infringement notices or letters from the Department of Housing.
Authority to Act
You may be asked to sign an Authority to Act form. This is when the lawyers need to contact other agencies on your behalf (such as the Fines Enforcement Registry) and need your permission to do so.
Other party
If your legal issue involves another party, we must have the name of the other party before we can provide you with legal advice.
Conflict of interest
In some cases, we may have a conflict of interest and will not be able to provide you with legal advice.
The information that you provide to us will be maintained in a confidential manner.
Respectful relationships
Please maintain a respectful relationship with all staff. Abusive, threatening or intimidating behaviour may result in an inability to assist you or the Police may be called.
The lawyers will provide you with advice on your issues and what steps are to be taken to resolve them. As Street Law lawyers are not experts on every area of law, and are limited by the amount of work they can take on depending on their current resources and capacity, you may be referred to another service that can assist you better. Street Law will arrange these referrals for you.
For more information about our legal advice please see the about our legal advice page.