Welcome to Street Law’s Volunteer induction and resource portal. Please remember to logout on completion of your session.

Induction Manual

Welcome to Street Law Centre WA Inc (Street Law). We are a community legal centre (CLC) and our mission is championing for people experiencing or at risk of experiencing homelessness, through our legal work for social justice. We do this by providing free and confidential legal information, advice, advocacy and ongoing representation and casework. Street Law also delivers a comprehensive community legal education program and seeks to address systemic legal issues through its law reform and advocacy projects.

We look forward to working with you and hope you find your time with us enjoyable and fulfilling.

Ann-Margaret Walsh
Principal Solicitor


Induction Module One

This Module (Module One) has been designed to induct all new volunteers and members of staff into Street Law so that before you begin, you:

  • Understand the nature of community legal centres (CLCs), homelessness, and Street Law; and
  • Have knowledge of Street Law’s processes and procedures.

Depending on your role, you may also be required to complete Module Two and Three. (see below).

Module Two is specifically designed to induct volunteers and staff who have legal roles at Street Law. Please confirm with your supervisor if you are unsure which modules you are required to do.

You don’t need to race through the induction; take your time when reading the information, explore the program, and follow the links. This module and other information will be readily available to you throughout your time at Street Law.



Induction Module Two

This Module (Module Two) contains information about how to triage. Legal services provided by Street Law are in high demand. Given our resources are limited effective triaging of client matters is integral to maximising efficiency in the provision of client services. Being able to triage is an important skill for all our volunteers, secondees and solicitors to have. This Module also covers:

  • Referrals and when Street Law cannot assist;
  • Communication skills; and
  • Trauma informed practice.

As with Module One, you don’t need to race through the induction – take your time when reading the information, explore the program, and follow the links. This module and other information will be readily available to you throughout your time at Street Law Centre.



Induction Module Three

This Module (Module Three) has been designed to provide information and guidance to all solicitors, volunteers, and secondees with legal roles at Street Law Centre WA Inc (Street Law). The module covers the following topics:

  • Supervision;
  • Legal Clinics;
  • Advice Line; and
  • Legal Areas.

This module and other information will be readily available to you throughout your time at Street Law Centre.